Братченко Cергей "Экзистенциальная психология глубинного общения"

Bugental J.F.T. Self-fragmentation as a resistanse to self-actualisation // Review of Existential Psychology & Psychiatry, 1962. №2. P. 241-248.

Bugental J.F.T. Humanistic psychology: A new breakthrough // American Psychologist, 1963. V. 18. P. 563-567.

Bugental J.F.T. The third force in Psychology // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1964. Vol. 4. №1. P. 19-26.

Bugental J.F.T. Introduction to the papers at the First Invitational Conference on Humanistic Psychology // Jorn. of Humanistic Psychology, 1965. V. 5. №2. P. 180-181.

Bugental J.F.T. Humanistic Psychology and the clinician // L.E.Abt & B.F.Riess (Eds.) Progress in clinical psychology. N.Y., 1966. P. 223-239.

Bugental J.F.T. The challenge that is man // Challenges of humanistic psychology. 1967. P. 5-11.

Bugental J.F.T. Values and Existential Unity // The Course of Human Life: A Study of Goals in the Humanistic Perspective / ed. by C.Buhler, F.Massarik. N.Y., 1968. P. 383-392.

Bugental J.F.T. The humanistic ethic: The individual in psychotherapy as a societal change agent // Journ. of Humanistic Psychology. 1968. №7. P. 11-25.

Bugental J.F.T. The search for existential identity: Patient-therapist dialogues in humanistic psychotherapy. San Francisco, 1976.

Bugental J.F.T. Psychotherapy and process: The fundamentals of an existential-humanistic approach. Reading, MA, 1978.

Bugental J.F.T. The search for authenticity: An existential-analytic approach to psychotherapy (Enlarged edition). N.Y., 1981.

Bugental J.F.T. Rollo May: personal reflections and appreciation // Perspectives, 1981a №2. P. 30-31.

Bugental J.F.T. Existential-humanistic psychotherapy // I.L.Kutash & A.Wolf (Eds.), Psychotherapist's casebook. San Francisco, 1986. P. 222-236.

Bugental J.F.T. The Art of the Psychotherapist. N.Y., 1987.

Bugental J.F.T. Intimate Journeys: stories from life-changing therapy. San Francisco, 1990.

Bugental J.F.T. Outcomes of an Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy: A Tribute to Rollo May // The Humanistic Psychologist, 1991. №1. P. 2-9.

Bugental J.F.T. Psychotherapy in a time of change // The Existential Humanist, 1995a. №1. P. 4.

Bugental J.F.T. What is distinctive about this existential-humanistic perspective on psychotherapy // The Saybrook Perspective. 1995. Spring. P. 18-19.

Bugental J.F.T. Preliminary sketches for a short-term existential-humanistic therapy // Schneider K.L., May R. The psychology of existence. 1995. P. 261-264.

Bugental J.F.T. Psychotherapy isn't what you think. Phoenix, 1999.

Bugental J.F.T., Kleiner R. Existential Psychotherapies // Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration / Ed. Stricker G., Gold L. N.Y., 1993.

Bugental J.F.T., Sapienza B.C. The Three R's for Humanistic Psychology: Remembering, Reconciling, Reuniting // The Humanistic Psychologist, 1992. №2-3. P. 273-284.

deCarvalho R.J James F.T. Bugental: portrait of a humanistic psychologist // Journ. of Humanistic Psychology, 1996. V.36. №4. P. 42-56.

Corey G. I Never Knew I Had a Choice. 1986.

Corey G. Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherpy. Pacific Grove, 1986a.

Existential-phenomenological perspectives in psychology: Exploring the breadth of human experience. Ed. R.S.Valle. N.Y.; L., 1989.

Existential Psychology. Ed. R.May. N.Y., 1969.

Friedman M. Dialogical (Buberian) therapy, the case of Dawn // Schneider K.L., May R. The psychology of existence. 1995. P. 308-311.

Maslow A.H. Existential Psychology – What is in It for Us? // Existential Psychology (ed. R.May), N.Y., 1969.

Schneider K.L. Master of duality, some personal reflections about Jim Bugental.// Schneider K.L., May R. The psychology of existence. 1995. P. 108-110.

Schneider K.L., May R. The psychology of existence. An Integrative, Clinical Perspective. N.Y. 1995.

Skinner B.F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity. N.Y., 1971.

Sterling M.M. The experience of role-playing during psycho-therapeutic training: A phenomenological analysis with practicing therapists. San Francisco, 1991.

Yalom I.D. Existential psychotherapy. N.Y., 1980.

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